Friday Oct 20, 2023

Episode 78: Punishing Peoples For Their Governments

The biggest crimes by far have always been by governments. Throughout history everywhere and still now in the present moment of our time on Earth, the terrible crimes of dark and unhinged individuals pale in comparison with the atrocities committed by governments equally against their own people as well as against those of other countries. Yet governments find it extremely advantageous to confuse us to this fact, and revel in the ambiguity between state and country; a conflation which is made all the more appealing during times of stress, struggle, conflict and limited attention – such as governments also find extremely advantageous to perpetuate. But we the people must make a radical change, to see our commonality with foreign peoples and to unite in opposition to state overreach. The individuals manning the organs of state must not be despised or made into an other, yet we must reassert sovereignty over these armed bureaucracies which have committed crime after crime until the present day and would seemingly like nothing more than world war and the increasing enslavement of free human beings to the whims of intrusive rulers. So with love, understanding, inner peace and courage – let us not punish whole peoples for the actions of their so-called representatives in power, but unite in a populist wave to wash away corruption and avarice from governments everywhere. This begins with not falling for divisive campaigns for war, nor domestic witch-hunts. Bit by bit, we can unite.

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