Friday Sep 22, 2023

Episode 74: Javier Milei For El Presidente

Javier Milei is predicted to win Argentina’s presidential election on October 22nd, and after checking him out I am very impressed with his presence and his principles. His recipe to reverse the staggering economic decline of his nation is to shrink the state and restore its resourcres and power to the people. For liberty is the core and foundation of not only our happiness but also peace and prosperity. Unfortunately, governments all round the world have become ever more controlling and socialist – intervening in our economic life in an attempt (often corrupt, but sometimes genuine) to improve the conditions in society by forcibly reallocating resources. Yet the ideals of socialism are only possible through the mechanism of capitalism – free markets, private property, the non-aggression principle. Classical liberalism, or ‘libertarianism’, sees the state as the protector of these conditions and as a destructive parasite whenever it grows beyond this healthy limit of purpose. Just as with RFK Jr. in the USA, Mr Milei seeks to bring the bureaucracy back into line, which is what we need in all countries. I wish Argentines the best of luck in rediscovering their freedom, prosperity and the pride it rightfully restores. May we all join such a movement!

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