Saturday Sep 09, 2023

Episode 72: 33 Reasons To Support RFK Jr. For President

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the most impressive politician I have seen in a long time. And he comes in our hour of urgent need, running for the White House in 2024. Therefore, today I am doing my part to help a man possessed of integrity and wise leadership to win the most powerful office in the world, and so usher in a new era of peace, prosperity, justice and freedom for a troubled world. Even if you are not American, you are human and so touched by the US president’s hand. Here I present 33 reasons why RFK Jr. is a man you really want to support in his campaign.

1) scientific literacy, critical thinking and debating prowess

2) embodying and deeply appreciating the nuances of health

3) preaching and embodying unity, civility and love

4) courage and integrity

5) peace and anti-imperialism

6) free markets and fair regulation

7) soulful and balanced environmentalism

8) legal knowledge and skill to fix agency capture

9) curious, empathetic, devoted to listening

10) incredible memory, knowledge, intelligence

11) former drug addict, a model of self-discipline

12) wants to scale down the American war machine

13) champions privacy, civil liberties, democracy, sovereignty

14) advocates peace, diplomacy, merely economic competition

15) populism, humility, service

16) admirable people support him: scientists, Drs, journalists, philosophers

17) RFK has significantly more support than Biden or Trump in the polls

18) wants to bring the CIA under control, stop its coups and warfare

19) pardon Julian Assange, release and encourage whistleblowers

20) decriminalise/legalise marijuana and psychedelic medicine

21) empower regenerative agriculture and family farm ownership

22) end the forever wars, rebuild the middle class and infrastructure

23) work ethic: writes books, reads widely, sues bad actors, running for 2024

24) humour, light-heartedness, spiritual surrender to what is

25) family and cultural background devoted to justice and service

26) restoring a hard border but with “wide gates” for legal immigration

27) aid families against Vanguard neo-feudalism without expanding debt

28) transparent to public scrutiny due to hours galore on podcasts

29) ignored and attacked by corporate media as he is a threat to oligarchy

30) surging in popularity despite ruthless censorship and smear campaigns

31) best candidate for upcoming perils: financial crisis, WHO, war, censorship

32) proven leader: 7 children, lawyer, Waterkeeper, CHD, lockdown protests

33) now or never for USA to return to roots and model democracy for world


If you are persuaded that RFK in the White House is a good thing for you, your family, your country, the USA and the Earth, then why not tell it to a friend or share this episode? Let us take responsibility for a better world.

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