Thursday Aug 10, 2023

Episode 68: RFK Jr. For President

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is a man of virtue and integrity who I hope to be the next president of the United States of America. Compassionate, intelligent, knowledgeable, diplomatic, humble, empathetic, strong, independent, brave, lighthearted, serious, powerful, open; these words describe him well, yet the corporate press (whose owners stand to lose vast sums of money and societal influence/control should RFK Jr. take office in 2024) paint him as a nutcase, a madman, a fool, a ‘conspiracy theorist’ and a danger to the public. Do you believe this? Perhaps you do, perhaps you don’t, or perhaps this is the first you have heard of this remarkable human being. Whichever it be, I urge you for the sake of our shared future to watch five consecutive unedited minutes of RFK in interview, and you will know the truth. I’m old enough to not jump on political bandwagons too readily, but this is a rare jewel of an opportunity for a true man of character to take power in the West in its hour of need. This is just a short intro and invitation to get interested in RFK, but I hope you enjoy!

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