Friday May 12, 2023

Episode 55: Is It Safest To Assume A Global Coup Is Underway?

No one wants to be smeared and vilified as a ‘conspiracy theorist’ but is it more dangerous to assume that everything is fine on Planet Earth when red flags wave like innocent blood? I argue we DO NOT KNOW if a global coup is taking place at the hands of billionaires and the many power pyramids they control, but we DO KNOW this is a plausible possibility, based on recent events mysteriously overlooked or downplayed in the corporate press. This episode argues that we can find a powerful and wise middle way by ACTING AS IF a global coup is underway, and so marshalling a massive public movement toward restoring individual liberty and addressing crony capitalism, corruption and authoritarianism. If we are wrong and there really is no cabal attempting to take away our freedoms, then at least this movement will have made some improvements to an already safe democratic system. But if we are right, then we will have triumphantly outwitted the greatest evil ever to take aim at the human race – it will be the most monumental achievement of world history. On the other hand if we fear the taboo of questioning the crowd and orthodoxy, waiting idly for some hypothetical complete certainty that will never come, we at best get nothing good and at worst face the most shameful of enslavements of we, our children and grandchildren simply because we would not open our eyes and mouths and start thinking, talking and acting upon the possibility that bad people were quietly working at the highest level to strip us of our birthright so that they could win the most ancient and dark of prizes: world domination. If Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Henry VIII, Montezuma, the Inquisition and Genghis Khan were real and not ‘conspiracy theories’ then why wouldn’t this all be possible now? Something sinister is afoot. We must be careful. Just to be safe, let’s act as if we must act.


P.S. One such way to err on the side of safety is to get out and get involved in such things as the upcoming WeAreReady event which will take place on 20th May this year, all around the world, showing our numbers and unity, the same day as the Bilderberg Group meet to discuss their secret plans for our planet. Find an event in your town, or start one and list it here.

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